Minority kota admission also open for B.Ed 2024-26 & D.El.Ed. 2024-26 Apply online or contact # 7351500060
D.El.Ed Counselling Started...... Admission open till 26 Sept 2024 - College Counselling Code 220100
B.Ed Counselling Started .... Admission open for session 2024-26 Till last Week of Oct 2024.... College Counselling Code MS1219
Welcome to Ch. Charan Singh College of Education & Technology, Sadarpur, Meerut.
![]() Through this admission brochure, I offer opportunities for the ever aspiring and talented youth with urge to acquire professional education in the newly emerging area. Today, when this college is not very old (some do call it very small child), I feel it is old enough to provide competitive academic inputs and yet young to have complete flexibility, open mindedness and learner focused set up. It is therefore very essential that you choose a program, which meets your aptitude, capability and the capacity. "Education is the manifestation from within”. There is knowledge in all beings, it only requires awakening, the task of a teacher being awaken the senses, so that students may learn to use their eyes, ears and hands properly. Education is not collecting the facts and information; it is concentration of mind and heart. Our aim is not producing teachers, lawyers, businessmen but the most important thing is to eradicate ignorance and negativity. “A teacher shows the path, it is though who has to walk." A lot of emphasis is laid on the overall personality development of the students so as to foster in them the necessary drive and confidence to meet the demands and challenges of modern corporate world. The students are also provided with an atmosphere to inculcate traditional Indian values. I invite you to join this prestigious institution and wish you all the best. Objective :
Affilation : CCSE&T, Sadarpur Meerut is affiliated to CCS University, Meerut (formerly Meerut University) for imparting education for all courses. |